The incredible true story of two girls who got married .

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Those stories and more ...

Today I heard that Matt and Luke are going to be on 60 Minutes (Australia). Matt and Luke are the lovely Aussie newlyweds we met in Toronto just a few days after we were married. We bonded by sharing beers and talking about the overall poor quality of American junk food, apart from Reese's peanut butter cups, which have a dangerous appeal. I'm sure they talked about other, more interesting stuff in the interview. No set broadcast date yet, but I'll keep an eye out over the next couple of months. Can't wait to see it. I only hope that Richard Carlton was not the interviewer. Whenever I see him, I go into strange, involuntary spasms and can only whimper "no, no, please stop the agony". It's happened ever since I was a teenager.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's two things we have in common, Michelle - a love for Reese's peanut butter cups, and an intense dislike for Richard Carlton (shudder).

Can't wait to see the interview - what a shame they didn't pop into your place to interview you and Heather!

3:00 pm  

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