The incredible true story of two girls who got married .

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I should be asleep. But I'm excited, because yesterday we paid for our tickets to the US! Now we just have to save a lot more money so we can actually live while we're over there.

I've been working this evening, which is another reason why I'm still awake. Can't quite calm down yet. Work was fun tonight, and I can actually feel myself drawing closer and closer to this goal. It's a really good feeling. I received confirmation via email that my passport will be ready within a couple of days, too, so that's exciting as well.

I can't quite believe that it's all happening. But it is. Yay!


Blogger Andrew Bartlett said...


I just read that the Californian Senate has passed a Bill allowing same sex to wed! The Bill still is subject to a veto by Governor Arnie (who hasn't said what he will do), but it is welcome news none the less.

Maybe you can stop off in California on your way home from Canada after the wedding and do it all over again!

(sourced from

8:12 pm  
Blogger Andrew Bartlett said...

.. whoops...
meant to write "allowing same sex **couples** to wed"

8:13 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks for the info, Andrew. That's cool! Let's keep our fingers crossed.

1:13 pm  

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