The incredible true story of two girls who got married .

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Rally report

Heather and I went along to the rally on Saturday with our friends Kylie and Miranda. There were only about 35 people there altogether, which was a bit disappointing. It was incredibly cold that day (or so everyone kept saying), so that may account in part for the poor turnout.

All of the speakers were interesting, and I learned things I hadn't previously known. For example, the Democrats' Andrew Bartlett said that, although there was meant to be a Senate inquiry into John Howard's proposed legislation to amend the marriage Act, the Government actually rushed through the legislation after listening only to conservative commentators at an anti gay marriage forum. Although many thousands of people made submissions to the inquiry, these submissions were not considered, and the legislation was passed.

I also learned about two more groups who support marriage equality: Australian Coalition for Equality and Action Reform Change Queensland. I'll be adding these to my links list soon.


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