The incredible true story of two girls who got married .

Saturday, June 04, 2005


We had a party last night to celebrate Geminis generally and Caz and me in particular. It was Caz's birthday yesterday, and mine is on Thursday. We had a really nice night, although I didn't get to talk to people for as long as I would have liked. At parties I always seem to miss out on catching up with a few people.

Towards the end of the night, a friend asked me if I was certain about getting married. I had been thinking about it just the day before. Doing a bit of the 'what ifs': what if we fall out of love, what if something bad happens, and so on. Then I realised that speculating on the 'what ifs' is pointless -- all that I can really know is what is. And this is what is: with Heather, I laugh more than ever, and worry less than ever. I've never had so much fun, or been so loved. You can make these decisions as simple or as complex as you want, I suppose. I would rather go for simplicity. Last night, I looked my friend and said: 'Yes, I'm certain I want to get married.'


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