I applied for a passport on Friday. When I mentioned this to a few people, they gasped. Not because I applied for a passport, but because I got to be 29 years old without needing one before. What can I say? I was always broke before. Now, I'm a long way from being rich, but I'm definitely going overseas. If I have to eat noodles, so be it.
I'm the first person in my immediate family to have a passport, just as I'm the first to go to university. Actually, I'm the first to finish high school. Mum did Year 10, my brothers did Year 10 and 11 respectively, and my dad went to Year Seven before quitting to get a job. I still can't quite believe that. He's done pretty damn well for himself, all things considered. When I was in grade seven, we thought we were responsible because we had to raise the flag every morning. (And Mum was probably still trying to hold my hand when I crossed the road.)
First in all these things--and another. Yes, I'm the first one to be a big homosexual, as far as we know. I feel proud of all these things, but also sad. Sometimes, it feels like every new step is a step away.